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the web of life in southern Africa

Genus: Doliolum

Life > Eukaryotes > Opisthokonta > Metazoa (animals) > Bilateria > Deuterostomia > Chordata > Tunicata > Thaliacea > Doliolida > Family: Doliolidae

Three species worldwide, two of which have wide pelagic distributions that include the southern African seas.

Species native to southern Africa

Information from World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), Lazarus & Dowler (1979) and other publications listed on the relevant taxon pages.

Doliolum denticulatum  

Semi-cosmopolitan, in temperate and tropical seas. Recorded from the southwest coast of South Africa by Lazarus & Dowler (1979).


Doliolum nationalis

Semi-cosmopolitan, in temperate and tropical seas. Recorded from the southwest coast of South Africa by Lazarus & Dowler (1979).



  • Bone Q, Braconnot J-C, Carré C, Ryan KP. 1997. On the filter-feeding of Doliolum (Tunicata: Thaliacea). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 214(1-2): 179-193.
  • Deibel D., and Lowen B. 2011. A review of the life cycles and life-history adaptations of pelagic tunicates to environmental conditions. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsr159.
  • Lazarus, B. I. and D. Dowler. 1979. Pelagic tunicata off the west and south-west coasts of South Africa, 1964-1965. Fish. Bull. S. Afr. 12:93-119.
  • Van Zyl, R. P. 1960. A preliminary study of the salps and doliolids off the west and south coasts of South Africa. Investigational Rept. Div. Fisheries, Union of South Africa. v.40, 31p.

Text by Hamish Robertson