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the web of life in southern Africa

Genus: Viola (pansy and violet genus)

Life > eukaryotes > Archaeoplastida > Chloroplastida > Charophyta > Streptophytina > Plantae (land plants) > Tracheophyta (vascular plants) > Euphyllophyta > Lignophyta (woody plants) > Spermatophyta (seed plants) > Angiospermae (flowering plants) > Eudicotyledons > Core Eudicots > Rosids > Eurosid I > Order: Malpighiales > Family: Violaceae

About 400 to 600 species (cosmopolitan, mainly north temperate regions), with two species native to southern Africa and two that have become naturalised. There are an additional eight species that are cultivated in southern Africa. There are many garden cultivars, known as garden pansies, violas or violettas that are derived from the complex hybridization of Viola tricolor, Viola lutea, Viola cornuta, and other species.

Species native to southern Africa

List from Plants of Southern Africa - an Online Checklist (SANBI) and Flora of Zimbabwe.

Viola abyssinica

Viola decumbens


Species naturalised in southern Africa

List from Plants of Southern Africa - an Online Checklist (SANBI).

Viola arvensis

Native to Europe.


Viola tricolor (Heart's ease, Love-in-idleness, Pansy)

Native to Europe.

Other species, cultivated in southern Africa

List from Glen (2002).

Viola garden hybrids (Garden pansy, Viola, Violetta)

A wide variety of hybrids derived from the complex hybridization of Viola tricolor, Viola lutea, Viola cornuta, and other species.

Viola arvensis

Native to Europe.


Viola hederacea (Ivy-leaved violet, Australian violet)

Native to Australia.


Viola kitaibeliana

Native to southern Europe.


Viola labradorica

Native to North America.


Viola obliqua

[= Viola cucullata]

Native to the eastern USA.


Viola odorata (Sweet violet, Parma violet)

Native to Europe.


Viola sagittata

Native to North America.


Viola suavis

Native to southern Europe.



  • Glen, H.F. 2002. Cultivated Plants of Southern Africa. Jacana, Johannesburg.