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the web of life in southern Africa

Genus: Polygala

Life > eukaryotes > Archaeoplastida > Chloroplastida > Charophyta > Streptophytina > Plantae (land plants) > Tracheophyta (vascular plants) > Euphyllophyta > Lignophyta (woody plants) > Spermatophyta (seed plants) > Angiospermae (flowering plants) > Eudicotyledons > Core Eudicots > Rosids > Eurosid I > Fabales > Family: Polygalaceae 

About 325 species, found in temperate and warm regions of the world. Eighty-four species are native to southern Africa, mainly to fynbos in the Western Cape.

Species native to southern Africa

List from Plants of Southern Africa - an Online Checklist (SANBI).

Polygala africana

Polygala albida

Polygala amatymbica


Polygala asbestina


Polygala bowkerae


Polygala brachyphylla


Polygala bracteolata


Polygala capillaris

See Flora of Zimbabwe.


Polygala dasyphylla


Polygala declinata


Polygala ephedroides


Polygala ericaefolia


Polygala erioptera


Polygala erubescens


Polygala francisci

Recorded from Zimbabwe and Mozambique.


Polygala fruticosa

Polygala garcinii


Polygala gazensis

Polygala gerrardii


Polygala goetzei

Recorded from Mozambique.


Polygala gracilenta


Polygala gracilipes


Polygala guerichiana


Polygala gymnoclada


Polygala hispida


Polygala hottentotta

Polygala houtboshiana


Polygala illepida


Polygala kalaxariensis


Polygala krumanina

See Flora of Zimbabwe.


Polygala langebergensis


Polygala lasiosepala


Polygala latipetala

Recorded from Zimbabwe and Mozambique.


Polygala leendertziae


Polygala lehmanniana


Polygala leptophylla


Polygala levynsiana


Polygala ludwigiana


Polygala macowaniana


Polygala marensis

See Flora of Zimbabwe.


Polygala meridionalis


Polygala messambuziensis

Recorded from Zimbabwe.


Polygala microlopha


Polygala mossii


Polygala myriantha

Recorded from Zimbabwe. See Flora of Zimbabwe.


Polygala myrtifolia

Polygala nematocaulis


Polygala ohlendorfiana

Polygala pallida


Polygala pappeana


Polygala parkeri


Polygala peduncularis


Polygala petitiana

Recorded from Zimbabwe.

Polygala pottebergensis


Polygala praticola


Polygala producta


Polygala pubiflora


Polygala pungens


Polygala recognita


Polygala refracta


Polygala rehmannii

Polygala rhinostigma


Polygala rigens


Polygala robsonii

Recorded from Zimbabwe. See Flora of Zimbabwe.


Polygala rodrigueana


Polygala scabra


Polygala schinziana

See Flora of Zimbabwe.


Polygala seminuda


Polygala senensis

See Flora of Zimbabwe.


Polygala serpentaria


Polygala sphenoptera

Polygala spicata


Polygala teretifolia


Polygala torrei

Recorded from Mozambique.


Polygala transvaalensis


Polygala triquetra


Polygala umbellata


Polygala uncinata


Polygala virgata

Polygala welwitschii

See Flora of Zimbabwe.


Polygala westii

See Flora of Zimbabwe.


Polygala wilmsii

Polygala wittebergensis


Polygala woodii