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the web of life in southern Africa

Genus: Olinia

Life > eukaryotes > Archaeoplastida > Chloroplastida > Charophyta > Streptophytina > Plantae (land plants) > Tracheophyta (vascular plants) > Euphyllophyta > Lignophyta (woody plants) > Spermatophyta (seed plants) > Angiospermae (flowering plants) > Eudicotyledons > Core Eudicots > Rosids > Eurosid II > Order: Myrtales > Family: Penaeaceae

Ten species, native to Africa, with seven species native to southern Africa. Previously placed in its own family, the Oliniaceae.

Species native to southern Africa

List from Plants of Southern Africa - an Online Checklist (SANBI), Flora of Zimbabwe and Flora of Mozambique.

Olinia capensis


Olinia emarginata (Mountain hard pear)


Olinia micrantha


Olinia radiata


Olinia rochetiana


Olinia vanguerioides

Recorded from Zimbabwe and Mozambique. See Flora of Zimbabwe.


Olinia ventosa



  • Hofmeyer J, Phillips EP. 1922. The genus Olinia. Bothalia 1: 97-104.

  • Phillips J. 1926. Biology of the flowers, fruits and young regeneration of Olinia cymosa Thunb. ("Hard Pear"). Ecology 7(3): 338-350.

  • Phillips JFV. 1928. Turacus corythaix corythaix Wagl. (Loerie) in the Knysna Forests. South African Journal of Science 25: 295-299.

  • White F. 1962. Forest flora of Northern Rhodesia. Oxford University Press, London.

  • Fernandes A, Fernandes R. 1970. Oliniaceae. Conspectus florae angolensis 4: 189-190, 373-374.

  • Skinner G. 1972. Cape trees no. 9 Olinia cymosa. East Cape Nat (47): 8.

  • Verdcourt B. 1978. Oliniaceae. Flora zambesiaca 4: 323-327.

  • Geldenhuys CJ, van Laar A. 1980. Interrelationships between vegetation and site characteristics in the Gouna Forest. South African Forestry Journal 112(1): 3-9. doi: 10.1080/00382167.1980.9629504

  • Patel V, Skvarla JJ, Raven PH. 1983. Half pseudocolpi, a unique feature of Olinia (Oliniaceae) pollen. American Journal of Botany 70(3): 469-473. doi: 10.2307/2443255

  • Hollis D. 1985. Parapsylla, a Gondwanan element in the psyllid fauna of southern Africa (Homoptera). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 83(4): 325-342. doi: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.1985.tb01179.x

  • Verdcourt B, Fernandes A. 1986. Oliniaceae. Flora de Moçambique 74: 1-7.

  • van Daalen JC. 1991. Forest growth: a 35-year southern cape case study. South African Forestry Journal 159(1): 1-10. doi: 10.1080/00382167.1991.9630388

  • Nahrstedt A, Rockenbach J. 1993. Occurrence of the cyanogenic glucoside prunasin and II corresponding mandelic acid amide glucoside in Olinia species (oliniaceae). Phytochemistry 34(2): 433-436. doi: 10.1016/0031-9422(93)80024-M

  • Sebola RJ, Balkwill K. 1999. Resurrection of two previously confused species, Olinia capensis (Jacq.) Klotzsch and O. micrantha Decne. (Oliniaceae). South African Journal of Botany 65: 97-103.

  • White F, Dowsett-Lemaire F, Chapman JD. 2001. Evergreen Forest Flora of Malawi. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

  • Coates Palgrave M. 2002. Keith Coates Palgrave Trees of southern Africa , edn 3. Struik Publishers, Cape Town.

  • De Beer ZW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. 2003. The Ophiostoma piceae complex in the Southern Hemisphere: a phylogenetic study. Mycological research 107(4): 469-476. doi: 10.1017/S0953756203007445

  • Schönenberger J, Conti E. 2003. Molecular phylogeny and floral evolution of Penaeaceae, Oliniaceae, Rhynchocalycaceae, and Alzateaceae (Myrtales). American Journal of Botany 90(2): 293-309. doi: 10.3732/ajb.90.2.293

  • Sebola R, Balkwill K. 2006. Reappraisal and identification of Olinia rochetiana (Oliniaceae) in South Africa. Bothalia 36(1): 91-99.

  • Parker ME, Chabot S, Ward BJ, Johns T. 2007. Traditional dietary additives of the Maasai are antiviral against the measles virus. Journal of ethnopharmacology 114(2): 146-152. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2007.06.011

  • Salome M, McGaw LJ, Eloff JN. 2009. Plant antifungal extracts active against plant pathogenic fungi. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative medicines (AJTCAM) 6: 487-488.

  • Sebola RJ, Balkwill K. 2009. Numerical phenetic analysis of Olinia rochetiana sensu lato (Oliniaceae). Kew Bulletin 64(1): 95-121. doi: 10.1007/s12225-008-9095-x

  • Sendker J, Nahrstedt A. 2009. Generation of primary amide glucosides from cyanogenic glucosides. Phytochemistry 70(3): 388-393. doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2008.11.008

  • Mahlo SM, McGaw LJ, Eloff JN. 2010. Antifungal activity of leaf extracts from South African trees against plant pathogens. Crop Protection 29(12): 1529-1533. doi: 10.1016/j.cropro.2010.08.015

  • Sebola RJ. 2012. Taxonomic variation, species limits and phylogenetic relationships in Oliniaceae. Ph.D., Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand.

  • Sebola RJ, Balkwill K. 2013. Calibration, verification and stepwise analysis for numerical phenetics: Olinia (Oliniaceae) as an example. South African Journal of Botany 88(0): 42-55. doi: 10.1016/j.sajb.2013.04.007