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Life > Eukaryotes > Opisthokonta > Mesomycetozoa

Mainly animal parasites but some species are free living and saprotrophic.



Genera / species: Amphibiocystidium ranae (parasite of frogs - recorded from Europe), Dermocystidium (parasite of fish), Rhinosporidium seeberi (causes slow-growing, tumour-like masses in the nose or eyes of people and animals. Known from the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia but mainly tropical, especially in southern India and Sri Lanka), Sphaerothecum destruens (parasite of salmon in North America).



Parasites of arthropods (e.g. insects) and fish. Also recorded as free-living and saprotrophic. Genera / species: Amoebidium (parasites of insects and Crustacea), Anurofeca richardsi, Ichthyophonus, Pseudoperkinsus tapetis, Psorospermium haeckeli and Sphaeroforma arctica.




  • Adl, S.M., Simpson, A.G., Farmer, M.A., Andersen, R.A., Anderson, O.R., Barta, J.R., Bowser, S.S., Brugerolle, G., Fensome, R.A., Fredericq, S., James, T.Y., Karpov, S., Kugrens, P., Krug, J., Lane, C.E., Lewis, L.A., Lodge, J., Lynn, D.H., Mann, D.G., McCourt, R.M., Mendoza, L., Moestrup, Ø., Mozley-Standridge, S.E., Nerad, T.A., Shearer, C.A., Smirnov, A.V., Spiegel, F.W. and Taylor, M.F.J.R. 2005. The new higher level classification of eukaryotes with emphasis on the taxonomy of protists. Eukaryote Microbiology 52(5): 399-451.

  • Lichtwardt, R.W., Cafaro, M.J. and White, M.M. 2001. The Trichomycetes: Fungal Associates of Arthropoda. Published on the Internet by the University of Kansas.